The DeNardo Consulting Group has an outstanding record of delivering measurable results to our clients. We have a long list of satisfied customers who will attest to our abilities.
Key points which set us apart include:
Track record of achieving measurable results We are very proud of our record in this area, which we believe sets us apart from other consulting firms with experience in newspaper publishing. In the early stages of a relationship, we develop clear, measurable goals for the client to use in evaluating both our performance, and the ongoing effectiveness of the operation.
Experience of our staff The actual staff assigned to a project depends on the timing, scope of work, and expected duration. We have attached details on our people; additionally, we suggest talking to our references on this subject. Our projects are typically managed by one or more of our operations staff (depending on the size and scope of the project). Our projects are further enhanced by industry specialists who possess a high level of expertise in specific functional areas.
Project approach Our firm believes in tailoring an approach to the needs and requirements of the client. Typically, this includes client participation and assistance in implementation.
Demand on client personnel during study Our approach is different from many consulting firms. We believe in a bottom-up, on-the-floor approach, as the best way for the consultant to understand the process. A basic premise is that the way to understand how the carrier delivers papers, or the sales rep sells ads, or the pressman sets color, is to interface with the work first hand. Doing this, and obtaining buy-in from client personnel, while being realistic and creative, will lead to lasting improvement.
Strong, ongoing input from your managers and staff is required. This becomes part of the ongoing management and improvement of the individual departments. Rather than take the manager away from his/her operation, we become involved in developing and implementing improvements in their operation, as well as their inter-relationship with other departments.
Accessibility of firm We believe in constant interaction with client personnel during a project. Meetings and discussions about a project are conducted at the clients location, with active participation of client personnel.
A logical question, and possible concern, could be the fact that we are a West Coast firm. Will we be accessible to a client on the East Coast? Well over half of our staff is located in the eastern portion of the United States, as well as more than half of our clients. Our staff resides in Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Arizona, California, and Montreal.